Documenting COVID-19

Record Set(s)

City of New Orleans Health Department COVID-19 emails and response

Date Updated: January 30, 2021

Date Added: July 13, 2020

City of New Orleans, LA

Highlighted Documents: New Orleans mobile testing program one-pager Protocol 36 emergency response spreadsheet New Orleans modeling projection, April 5 New Orleans internal health statistics, April 20 Roche testing letter LCMC Health

Principal Subject: Dr. Jennifer Avegno, director, City of New Orleans Health Department

These documents include emails and underlying attachments for the City of New Orleans Health Department, including internal modeling predictions; draft working papers, city policies for COVID-19 response; grant funding requests to outside organizations; and spreadsheets detailing hospital capacity, fatality and other COVID-19 metrics.

Date Range: January 21, 2020, to January 7, 2021

Format Details: .zip of .pdf file with embedded .xlsx, .doc and .ppt attachments (18,345 pages, 1.85 GB, duplicative material)

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Documenting Covid-19